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Boosting brand positioning and sales with off-shelf displays

The more a target group engages with a product at the point of sale, the higher the purchase probability. This was the finding of a study conducted by the Philipps-Universität Marburg with whom we have also jointly developed and validated a predictive tool for assessing the sales impact of POS #displays .

But what makes shoppers stop and engage with a product in store? What influence do design, placement and brand message have on purchasing?

The visibility of brands at the POS is the core success factor for instore marketing! Only those who manage to present their brand attractively in stores can overcome the current buying restraint. Multiple placements in particular can effectively increase sales.

When the eyes find something arresting, shoppers stop … and that’s when products end up in shopping baskets. To develop effective POS measures, brand managers not only need to understand the needs and preferences of end users (consumers), they also need to understand shopper buying behaviours. The shopper who buys the product in store may not be the end user.

5 reasons to use displays

The first moment of truth

#Pos in physical stores offers companies an opportunity to address consumers in the right way at the right time and positively influence their purchase decisions.

Based on the perception of the various #touchpoints created by a retailer or manufacturer, the consumer‘s experience with the brand is formed and this is relevant for their purchase decision. The first moment of contact, or the first moment of truth, plays a particularly significant role. It describes the first three to seven seconds after a consumer sees a product for the first time and during which, especially in the case of decisions with little cognitive control, the foundation for purchase is laid.

Depending on the product category, sales channel and target group, there are numerous contact points (touchpoints) in store that can be addressed with different display types. Experience shows that additional touchpoints lead to a significant increase in the shopper‘s perception of the product. In larger store formats, three touchpoints prove to be ideal.

Display Types

Temporary or permanent?

While promotional displays are made of cardboard or corrugated cardboard, displays that remain instore for more than six months are largely made of wood, plastic or metal. POPAI UK & Ireland

There are an incredible number of display types. In my experience, ¼-pallet size paper-based displays are the most common displays seen in food retailing.

Not only do they offer easy, compact handling – for both suppliers and store staff – they also enable targeted brand communication. This is especially important for start-ups, as they tend to be unknown when introduced to the store, with new products that may require explanation. In short: POS placement is essential for any launch.’

STOP – HOLD – CLOSE - Rules for successful display design

A picture is worth 1,000 words

Less is more

Faces work magic

Make a move

Dare to be different

The power of colour

The colour design of a display touchpoint is a variable that can have an intense effect on the shopper. Colours represent information that shoppers perceive more or less consciously, shaping their thoughts and feelings and triggering action. Individuals have little conscious control over this influence of colour


The role of colour in product perception

New season, new reason to buy

Regularly changing campaigns give shoppers new reasons to buy. STI Group’s promotional calendar brings together numerous occasions and events to inspire your next campaign.

The trend towards greater sustainability in retail has boosted the popularity of generic display elements that are common to several displays or can be re-used multiple times.

The basis for ideal instore placement is a holistic understanding of the shopper:
i.e. knowledge about the purchase decision, orientation on the shelf and product group segmentation from the shopper‘s point of view. As a rule, these shopper insights are provided by the category management department.

Connecting the on- and offline world

Networking the online and offline worlds is increasingly a retailer requirement that shoppers take for granted and expect.

The Product Finder contains solutions and ideas from the areas of Packaging, POS Solutions and Services. Be inspired by our product ideas!


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